Ms project professional 2013
Ms project professional 2013

ms project professional 2013

This is where you will find your templates. The results? Now when you have saved a template and go to File, New, you will see a tab at the top called ‘Personal’. Enter the location for your templates as you see below: To do this, simply navigate to File, Options and then select the Save tab. So you have to tell Project where to retrieve templates.

ms project professional 2013

See, when you install MS Project Professional, the template location is blank, by default. Thanks to Ben Howard, MVP, the mystery has been solved. I found this here: C:UsersCindyAppDataRoamingMicrosofttemplates Now that I have created my template, I should be able to navigate to File, New and select it, right? Wrong! When I close the template file and go to File, New, here’s what I see: So I’m going to play along and double click on Computer so I can navigate to the templates folder. First, I have to select a location for it. When I go to File, Save As, I don’t immediately get the option to save it as a template. In this case, I only have one task and have named the template ‘Template Test’. You create the schedule and have entered all of the options, tasks, etc… that you want to keep in the template. I mean, that’s where the templates are supposed to be, right? I’ll show you how to find your templates, but first let me explain the problem. Sure, you can navigate to folder you saved it to, but try finding it when you go to File, New. Pauline Schilpzand ( for any inquiries about use.If you need to create a custom template in MS Project Professional 2013, good luck finding it once it has been created. They may not be used without permission by other colleges, universities, organizations, institutions or individuals. These tutorials were developed and funded by the College of Business at Oregon State University for use in our project management courses.

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    Ms project professional 2013